Palmer Gas & Oil Program

Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 1.54.31 PMPalmer Gas & Oil Program to benefit NLA Members and the Association.

  • For each new customer that signs up for the program, the Association will receive $50, and $50 each year on renewal.
  • The customer (NLA Member) will get a preferred price guarantee for 8/1/24 – 7/31/2025 at $2.249/gallon for propane, and $3.349/gallon for Oil.
  • An additional discount of .05/gallon for propane and .10/gallon on oil if paid within 10 days.

To sign up for program call Michelle Aprahamian and mention “462 NAMA”.

Michelle Aprahamian

Palmer Gas & Oil
13 Hall Farm Road
Atkinson, NH 03811
603-548-0815- Cell (Mention 462 NAMA)
603-898-7986 – Main Office (Mention 462 NAMA)

Click here to download program info.